samedi 22 octobre 2016

The Fashion of Wakanda need to be fix!

Hear me out guys...

I'm originally from West Africa and English is not my first language, therefore I ask you to please forgive any English mistake I will made.

Ok, now I pretty much love everything about Black Panther in civil war, but one thing really let me like this...

... about the clothes wear by BP, his father and the other Wakandans!

Look at this...

What was that? Who at marvel believed an African kingdom who was never been colonized, has an isolationist policy and on top of that is the most advance country on earth will have his first ambassador (the King) represented his kingdom outside of his frontiers draped in occidental attires?

How that could have come about? This make historically, culturally and politically no sense. Seriously, it would be like seen the Saudi king and his entourage in tuxedo instead of like this...

And Saudi Arabia is not know to be an old independent kingdom.

Fashion is linked to culture. Sometime a given population in one country can be culturally influence by another country culture forcefully (war, conquest, colonialism, etc) or not (medias, music, cinema, etc). As an example of that, America pretty much influence the world over, therefore American fashion influence the world also. Still, in a world where an African kingdom name Wakanda exist with an history of fierce independency, ultra high technology and wealth, them been culturally influenced by another culture is highly unlikely.

Like most Americans in the real world believed they're the best in the word in many things, Wankandans also in the Marvel universe believed (with good enough reason) that they're the best in the world, ergo they will never be a reason for them to be influenced by any other culture they judge not on par with their, and that certainly include fashion.

If Wakanda is really suppose to be this independent highly advance African kingdom, his King certainly has no business palling around in Armani tuxedo and Audi luxurious cars like a random second zone corrupt African dictator.

They should have their own Wakanda licensed cars and traditional Wakandan clothes. Yes, Wakandan in the MCU need to have their own, independent culturally bound, fashion sense! I notice that at the end of the movie they seem to start to go in there with T'challa...

(To continue below..)

The Fashion of Wakanda need to be fix!

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