mardi 25 octobre 2016

Power levels of various characters

I remember reading a while back an interview with Feige where he said how Marvel is planning ahead and having basically something like a big storyboard where they keep track of things happening and things to come.

Now with the MCU expanding and IW around the corner, we allready have vast amount of characters interacting with each other. And all of them have different power levels, and I think that Marvel should also keep some sort of track of the power levels of all these characters.
Something like a big board where speed, strength, durability is written. That way directors can know how hard certain character can punch and how much damage certain character can make.

A few examples of some power level inconsistencies in the past:
In Civil War Black Panther's speed and strength was on level of Captain America which is way above peak human. Yet in the airport fight scene Hawkeye was able to land a few punches. Also, for Hawkeye to be hit by Blackpanther would feel as if a normal human was hit by a heavy weight boxer.
In Guardians of the Galaxy, when Gamora was in prison she was overpowered by 3 prisoners.
If hulk buster armour can withstand hul'ks punches, it shouldn't be pierced by a steel pipe.

Hopefully for IW the Russos will manage to portay these different power levels properly.

Power levels of various characters

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