mercredi 8 juillet 2015

The Golden Age of Music Streaming: Which Side Are You On?

With Apple Music having been released this past 30th of June I felt this should be a topic of discussion. It's simple. How do you feel about this rise of music streaming? Monthly subscriptions, unlimited music? What service do you currently use and why?

Here are the top music streaming services (in no particular order)


This one is for those who appreciate sound quality, which is a rare point of focus as online music has become the norm. At two price points, $9.99 for normal sound, and $19.99 for high quality streaming. This is the newest of the bunch and has a lot of support from big name artists which makes sense considering Jay-Z and Chris Martin co own this service.

Google Play Music

W/ a price point of $9.99, Play Music has been around a few years now. Which it's service across multiple platforms. It's the more underrated of the bunch, are goes under the radar with the likes of Spotify and Apple Music as well as the emergence of Tidal ahead of it in terms of awareness.


Spotify has been around since 2008. And has become, up until now, the biggest streaming service across social media. W/ the ability to post playlists to facebook and share what you're listening with friends. Spotify is $9.99, with promos year round for students starting at $4.99. Spotify also has a free account option which is a huge draw for the simple radio stations and playlists available to users that arent sold on the monthly fee of $9.99 a month.

Apple Music

Apple Music is the newest of the bunch. With a free 3 month trial, it's definitely a draw to those looking to jump into streaming for the first time. After the trial it's the standard $9.99 after the fact. Apple, much like TIDAL is a massive draw for big name artists and Apple has been pushing this as a huge opportunity for indie artists to share their music and connect with their fans using their Connect service within the app.

So there you have it. This is the rise of music streaming. There are definitely more specifics as to why you may want or are currently with a specific service, but let's open it up to conversation. Are you a fan of the way online music has and continues to be heading?

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