mardi 28 juillet 2015

EDGE - Pilot for a Western by Shane Black/Fred Dekker

According to Dekkers Facebook this just started filming:

July 27

Principal photography on "EDGE" starts today. The shooting begins.

Um... we have a Gatling gun, too.
July 21

Off to New Mexico to start our western television pilot, "EDGE", based on the books by George G. Gilman. More info to come (including casting) as soon as the studio gives the high sign. Buckle up!

June 1

Pre-production has begun...


"Lethal Weapon and Iron Man 3 screenwriter Shane Black has Edge, a spaghetti Western based on the Edge books by George Gilman. Fred Dekker, who is working with Black on the upcoming Predator sequel, wrote the teleplay from a story by him and Black who will direct. The two executive produce with Barry Josephson and David Greenblatt."


According to Deadline, Amazon signed Black to develop a pilot based on Terry Harknett's ultraviolent Western novel series, Edge, penned under one of his many pseudonyms, George G. Gilman.

Upon their release, the Edge novels were advertised as "the most violent Westerns in print." As one Amazon reviewer put it:

"Edge kills and maims people left right and center and yet one is always left feeling like he is the smart almost good guy :-)"

Yup, that sounds about right for a Shane Black project. I mean, listen to this interview and tell me this isn't a match made in heaven:
VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

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