mercredi 29 juillet 2015

Donald's " Trump " Cards

1 ) He’s not a political prostitute. Like it or not, politicians these days are more concerned about campaign donations than the Joe average voter, and some of the donations are from over seas interests or corporations. Others are from nations or groups that hate us. Representing outside the USA interests over USA citizens to me is un patriotic, and both sides are guilty. In a debate, Trump can throw this knock out punch early and often. And his opponents know he’s got them dead to rights.

2 ) He’s not an insider. Congress has record low ratings. Politicians love to claim there are outsiders, but few of them truly are. Trump is.

3 ) He has next to no political record. This was Obama’s biggest asset as not much was know about his brief political career. As such he was harder to attack. While Trump has made several statements on the issues, you can’t call him to the mat on bad public votes. Everyone else has major blunders and flip-flops.

4 ) He’s uber successful and should do well on the jobs issue, which is a huge problem right now with record low labor participation rates.

5 ) He is one of the few candidates with the stones to be factually correct even if its politically incorrect to state it. And in many cases the majority of Americas agree with him.

6 ) His funding is unlimited.

7 ) He can recover from a mistake or take a political punch.

8 ) He’s famous. He’s very good on television and has a real presence about him. People vote for people they know. In my opinion Trump will do well with the low information voters.

9 ) His base is attracted to him, he does not have to work or oil squeaky wheels. A huge political advantage.

10 ) He is the most articulate in terms of change. They all say it, who means it?

As long as he doesn't run as an independent, I think he's got a real shot to be the next POTUS.

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