mercredi 29 juillet 2015

Crazy Theory: Ben Affleck is Batman Jones

No doubt you guys have heard of the recent theory that Jason Todd is the Joker in Suicide Squad. Well, I've recently heard of another theory, that Affleck is not playing Bruce Wayne, but is actually playing Batman Jones.

Now some of you "newbs" may not be familiar with this character, so here's some backstory courtesy of Batman #108, written by none other than the legendary Bill Finger.

Batman Jones is coming, that's who!

And Batman Jones, natural talent that he is, solves the case before Batman and Robin.

Batman’s plan is to show him how tough it is being a crimefighter by using some of their old cases to test Batman Jones (with the idea being that he’ll fail miserably and quit, now knowing how tough it is being a crimefighter). Instead, the kid nails every test!

Thus, Batman is forced to do what no one ever wants to do – he tells on the kid to his mother…

My theory is that Affleck is playing an older, more grizzled "Batman Jones" who has returned to a life of crimefighting, and that Bruce Wayne is either missing or dead in this universe.

You'll note that in the trailers the name "Bruce Wayne" is never mentioned.

Also, in the trailers Batman breaks a soldier's neck, which "Bruce Wayne" would never do... but an older, grizzled, stamp-collecting Batman Jones just might.

Furthermore, Batman has been described as the "antagonist" of this film. What if Batman Jones actually is an evil Batman? Wayne Manor could be in ruins because Bruce Wayne is dead. And Batman Jones probably killed Robin and kept his suit as a trophy. After all, as you can see in the comics above, Robin was jealous of Batman Jones' mad skills. It makes total sense for Batman Jones to defeat Robin and leave a message mocking his namesake before stealing the cape and cowl once and for all for himself.

Note that Robin describes Batman Jones as "swell headed"? Has anyone seen Batman's head on those recent magazine covers? I rest my case.

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