mardi 28 juillet 2015

Batman v. Superman: Which Abandoned Movie Are You Glad Wasn't Made?

When it comes to franchise reboots, Batman and Superman have seen more false starts than probably any other comic book character. While some abandoned attempts at rebooting the character made it all the way to film (Superman Returns) before WB decided not to continue, most of them never actually made it to the filming stage.

Which ones are you happy were never made? Which ones would you like to have seen (even if it's only out of morbid curiosity)? These are the ones I know of, though there may be even more.

Superman Lives - I still have yet to see the documentary on this film, but I think we all know that Tim Burton was to direct this film and it would have featured Nicolas Cage as Superman. Villains included Lex and Brainiac and it would have involved Superman dying and coming back to life. Oh, and polar bears and a giant spider.

Batman vs. Superman (2004) - Wolfgang Peterson was to direct this film (he ended up leaving to do Troy instead) and at least one report had Jude Law and Colin Farrell suiting up as the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight. After watching Mr Sunday Movies' AWESOME video summarizing the plot, I can say with absolute certainty that I'm glad this movie never saw the light of day. If that script had gone into production, it probably would have killed superhero movies forever.

Batman: Year One - For a long time (or at least until I saw Noah) I though Darren Aronofsky would have been a great choice to make a Batman movie. However, the storyline for this film supposedly differed greatly from Frank Miller's classic comic, and included Batman growing up in a garage with a mechanic named Al (this film's version of Alfred), at one point becoming a criminal and then fighting crime initially with a hockey mask and a cape. Still, it might have worked. I don't know.

Superman: Flyby - JJ Abrams' horrific Superman script that apparently got the character of Supes right and everything else wrong. To sum up, basically Krypton never blows up, Supes is "the Chosen One" destined to save Krypton (I guess JJ was watching Kung Pow when he wrote this), he's relentless pursued by Zod's inbred cousin Ty-Zor, he dies and comes back to life after Jor-El commits Seppuku, and then Lex Luthor turns out to be a f***ing alien.

Brett Ratner's Superman - I believe this was actually going to be based on the Flyby script, but Ratner said in an interview at the time that it had none of the stuff that was in that version. So maybe there was another script floating around? Matt Bomer would have likely played Supes had this film been made.

McG's Superman - Again, I think this was based on Flyby, though I'm not sure. Henry Cavill would have played Superman.

Batman 5 - Supposedly Joel Schumacher wanted to do third (fifth in the original series) film that would have featured a young Batman. I've heard it would have featured the Scarecrow (to be played by Nic Cage) and Keanu Reeves may have been in the running for Batman.

Superman Returns Again - Not sure what an SR sequel would have been titled, but Bryan Singer planned one out. It would have supposedly featured Brainiac as the villain and would have ended with Superman killing his own son. Truth, justice and DIE YOU LITTLE F***ING BRAT!!!!

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