dimanche 26 juillet 2015

People should stop adapting 1980's properties into blockbuster movies, Yay or Nay?

Well I finally saw Terminator Genesys and it just adds more substance to an observation I've been seeing for a while now:

Stuff from the 80's like things kids liked for example seem to be more poorly received with each movie Hollywood throws at us. However stuff from the 90's, like say Men In Black 3 was reasonably positive as well as Jurassic World which is an understatement. And before anyone calls me out as a biased millennial, 60's reboots like the Planet of the Apes movies and 70's reboots like Mad Max: Fury Road killed it.

As for the 80's, we all know how people generally react when they hear the word Transformers now, thanks to Michael Bay. I believe Screen Junkies from memory pointed out that every TMNT movie sucks and then there's the Jem and the Holograms movie(Enough said) as well as the G.I. Joe franchise. As much as some people want to sugarcoat Paul Feig's direction, people are trashing the new Ghostbusters movie to the point where Paul Feig gets a death threat a day.

So because of this, a part of me is now strongly feeling that the decade is cursed and we should just stop milking it.

The only real anomaly I see to this are the Jump Street movies which have been mainly attributed to Lord and Miller's direction and style into making it so original it has no connection to the old TV show other than names, some actors and the basic premise.

So is what I'm seeing just a superficial correlation where it's just bad luck and there are other factors I should consider? Or am I onto something here?

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