vendredi 31 juillet 2015

Watch Digital Comics

Hi everyone !

Being a long time reader of this forum, my name is Drangal, and I'm a young french comic artist.
I'd like to introduce you Watch Digital Comics, a new label that enables you to read 600 comics pages each year on PC/Mac & tablets for a small prices subscription.

You can watch a trailer here :
VIDEO-CLick to Watch!:

Every 15 days, you'll find a new episode of 24 pages released among several series. You can find here adventures story, sci-fi, and more.
Don't worry, the comics will be available in english !
Here a little look at our catalog...

Eggy Stuff - Turning into a super strong egg head doesn't necessarily makes you smarter... by Veek

Cold Hell - An eternal winter and tons of kick ass robots are waiting for you. By Guillaume Cribeillet

Dan Storm/Fish'n'Sheep - Two completely different comics about dreams and conquest, by the same author: Drangal.

Green Revolution - You think you can keep on bashing nature without any consequences ? The author, Paule Brun thinks otherwise.

The Oprhans Ride the Rails - You could think orphans would have had enough trouble in their lives as it is. You would be wrong. By Bacterie

You can visit our website for more information, at
We also started a KickStarter campaign, feel free to contribute if you're interested, you can have your subscribtion at a cheaper price and others gifts !

Thanks for reading, and hoping to see you soon !

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