samedi 11 juillet 2015

Singular Universe: Brave New World -- Sign Up/OOC Thread

Singular Universe: Brave New World

The Singular Universe is a largely player-created world where your favorite superheroes from all domains of comic books come together to share their stories. The heroes and villains of Marvel, DC, and the other comic book publishers are all available to players. Batman can fight Green Goblin, Spider-Man can teamup with Hellboy, and the TMNT can get a taste of Scarecrow's fear gas.

Story Overview

The first documented superhumans emerged during World War II. To combat the Nazi tide, fueled by deep science division HYDRA and Hitler’s occult ways, the United States invested in Project Rebirth to create an army of super soldiers. In the end, only one is created after frail Steve Rogers is transformed into Captain America. He fought the Nazi scourge in Europe alongside a team of other superpowered individuals called The Invaders. At the end of the war, Captain America was lost and the Invaders returned stateside to form the Justice Society of America.The Society fought domestic crime for a time before disbanding.

In the decades following, superheroics and vigilantes become the stuff of yesteryear, while most believed they were a product of the time, never to return. The facts of the Justice Society and Captain America became merged with Meanwhile, a change in humanity was spreading across the globe. People were developing strange powers naturally. Deemed “mutants” by the general population, government agencies were formed to keep tabs on the growing metahuman population.

The Cold War simmered through this time, giving rise to a complex battle of espionage. People like Nick Fury and Amanda Waller made names for themselves in the turbulent times, with each of them gaining prominent roles in the United States’ defense network.

As the 20th century made way for the 21st, the tense but predictable Cold War thawed with the fall of the Soviet Union. The power vacuums created by the crumbling Communist block allowed warlords and violent madmen to gain footholds across the world, starting a chaotic period. People began to lose hope, paving the way for a new generation of heroes to emerge and protect the innocents of the world.

As if it was meant to be, the modern era of superheroes exploded into the world. In the span of weeks, citizens reported a red and blue blur flying over Metropolis, the Batman stalking the rooftops of Gotham, the Flash racing through Central City, and Spider-Man swinging over the streets of Manhattan, among others. Agencies like SHIELD and Checkmate scrambled to respond to the new wave of superheroics while criminals across the country struggled to adjust to the new normal. Mutant heroes that called themselves the X-Men rose up to protect human and mutant alike, and the Gods themselves walked amongst man again.

Time went on and instead of shrinking, the age of heroes boomed as supervillains emerged to threaten the heroes, and new costumed crimefighters emerged to fight back. Heroes battled together to take on foes one alone could not conquer, and alliance were made solid to protect the Earth from all threats that besieged her.

A sort of stalemate had taken hold. Good was constantly in battle with evil, and neither side could ever gain the upper hand. But that could change at any moment…
Major Events
  • Captain America was the first known superhero, and the Invaders/JSA all appeared after that.
  • The JSA disbanded shortly after the beginning of the Korean War, after the Society refuses to intervene as they did against the Nazis. This creates a slight backlash against them, which aids their decision to retire.
  • During the Cold War, SHIELD is created to assess both espionage and superpowered threats to the United States. Colonel Nick Fury is assigned command of the fledgling organization. In turn, Fury appoints Amanda “The Wall” Waller head of Task Force X, SHIELD’s black ops unit.
  • The mutant terrorist known as “Magneto” begins striking human targets in the 80s.
  • Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters opened sometime in the early 90s.
  • The current age of superheroes started four years ago with the emergence of Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, etc

How to Play:

In this game 4 years have passed from the advent of the Age of Heroes. Characters from Marvel, DC, and Independent publishers have all shared this universe from its advent. Players can take any character in comics that they can successfully portray in-universe and craft their history in this new world.

To apply for a character, fill out the application below. Applications will be reviewed by the GM and either Approved or Denied after 24 hours, to allow for competing Apps. If your application is Denied, feel free to improve the application using feedback to get it accepted. All players are welcome, regardless of membership status or post-count.


1: You are allowed a maximum of two main characters. You also have free reign over the characters' supporting cast and rogues' gallery, provided that no other player is playing them. However, it is advised to keep sidekick characters and primary villains at least somewhat open as options for other players to take up.

2: You must post at least once every two weeks, preferably more, or your character will be up for grabs. Failure to post after 30 days will result in your character being removed from the roster.

3: PC's are not to be killed without permission. Nameless NPC's are fine, but PC's or important NPC's will require authorization. Don't do anything random, such as destroying the universe, either. Such behavior is frowned upon.

4: Several storylines can be going on at once, in order to interact with other players. If a player's character does not want to be involved in another's storyline, they do not have to. Likewise, please observe good etiquette and ask the other players' permission before jumping into a fight or interaction without their consent. Consultation and communication are the keys to a good PC-to-PC interaction.

5: You can travel anywhere on Earth or off-planet, provided it is within your character's means. Time-travel is forbidden, unless it is specifically required of your character choice. (IE: Booster Gold, Kang the Conqueror, etc)

6: You are your character, so act like them. Create or portray their mannerisms, powers, and ideals to how they have been established in the game. BE the character, don't just remote-control their powers, so to speak.

7: Respect the Gamemasters. If they make a request of you regarding the game, listen to them. Failure to adhere to GM, AGM, and Hype! Moderator requests will result in expulsion from the game.

8: Be creative, and do not be afraid to try new and exciting things with old concepts. This is a new continuity filled with endless possibilities. Go wild.

9: All regular Hype rules apply.

10: Have fun or die.




Singular Universe: Brave New World Character Application

Character Name:

Alignment (Hero, Villain, Walking the Line):

Character Speech Color and Font (actually say what it is, like Blue Comic Sans):

Powers and Abilities:

Character Origin/Major Events:

Why this character?

What can you bring to the RPG?

Provide a short sample post as your desired character, in three paragraphs or more and featuring at least one line of dialogue:

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