mardi 21 juillet 2015

SHHFFL XIII - The Official Fantasy Football League of SHHype

Once again, I'm setting up Season XIII of the Super Hero Hype Fantasy Football League. (seeing as I set up Season V,VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI & XII, that's good enough for me :yay: )

As some of you are aware, my life has changed in recent years as I'm going to approach my 48th birthday in the Fall, with a new 4 year old boy and soon to be 2 year old daughter... on top of my 17 year old son. I'm tired. I have other commitments. I guess what I'm saying is that I'll run the league... but my involvement in this thread will be minimal at best...

Maybe you guys will have to be more "into your own trash talk", and colourful updates & standings would be appreciated. I'll accept any volunteers.

I'll probably continue my search for a new Commissioner.
No resumés required... haha

I have sent out invitations to last years players (I think... let me know if you didn't get the invite), so it should fill up @ about 80%... seeing as there has been good rivalries over the past 8 years. However, in about a week's time, if they haven't signed up, I'll give out the league info to whoever wants to play in an order that will follow this post.

Also, seeing as I'm old & crotchety, maybe one of you keener types can tell me which poster has been banned last year seeing as we no longer allow banned users from playing in the Hype League.

And please, if you're going to sign up, play your players throughout the season. We've had problems in the past with players not being serious enough to play their players. So if you don't think you're committed to playing, please let someone else to join.


Any suggestions/changes to the rules are welcomed.

These are the players registered so far... in bold

(16 teams... 2 divisions)

Timely Division

1. The Pickled Peppers - Themanofbat
2. House Hush - Hush
3. The Incredible Hulks - The Incredible Hulk
4. SF's Backstabbers - Spider-Fan (Defending Champ!!! Kill Him!!!)
5. Heavily-Armed Lemurs - bored
6. New York Spiders - NewYorkSpider
7. Matt's Man-Spiders - Matt
8. HawkPride - Phaedrus45

National Division

1. One Man Wolfpack - steintym
2. The Butterflies - El Asenino
3. Regulators - Kaleb
4. The HH Jabronis - HaplessHenchman
5. Batman - Donut
6. W'sOrNothing - wiegeabo
7. Mindless Minions - Mee
8. Coastal Camel Toes - ComicChick

Once you've registered, please post your team name so I know who's who.

If you can, try and keep the same team name... because I just love consistency.


Any suggestions for Draft Night?
Weekends? Week Nights?

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