samedi 11 juillet 2015

Neck Snap or Turning back time: Which Superman final resolution do you prefer ?

Hi Super-folks,

Two years on and the haters are still ape-**** about the neck snap - in some ways this validates it even more for me, as it was a ballsy departure from previous films. Love it or hate it, it's controversial and something different.

Anyway, we've had 2 Superman origin films and 2 very different resolutions to the final problem.

In Superman the Movie Superman restores Lois to life and undoes the damage of Luthor's nuclear strike by flying really fast and turning back time.

In MOS Superman cannot hold Zod down forever and cannot stop him from frying the family (note: earlier in the film Faora shows that her hand is hurt from Supes' heat ray vision - and she was wearing armoured gloves, so the idea that he could block Zod's blast is just stupid). Anyway, to solve the problem Zod poses, extinction of the human race, Supes has to kill him by breaking his neck.

Which of these do you prefer ? Or alternatively which do you hate more ? Or which do you hate less ?

Personally, going in to MOS, I hated the idea of the neck snap BUT when I saw the movie I had to admit that it made total sense within the story and tone of the film - and I was totally okay with it.

Now, as an 8 year old sitting in Superman the Movie, I was loving that movie - and I thought Chris Reeve did a brilliant job with Superman's scream of anguish when he finds Lois' corpse.............BUT when he flies around the world and turns back time, even as a little kid I thought "That's just dumb, flying around the Earth really fast wouldn't turn back time, even Superman can't do that."

Even today, I love both STM and MOS, but I honestly think that MOS has a better resolution. Sure there were some other bits about the ending that weren't great - I mean, nothing beats seeing Chris Reeve smile at you as he flies into the sunrise, that's magic - but MOS has Superman make a choice that an ordinary person could have made in those circumstances without the cop-out of time travel.

So for me, MOS has the superior resolution.

But what does everyone else think ? All opinions are welcome ! :super:

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