mercredi 8 juillet 2015

More Likeable Film/media Counterparts

As a response to the recently created thread discussing less likeable film counterparts to comic characters, I had a ton of characters flash through my mind by the topic, which include Dunst MJ, Reynolds Hal Jordan, Garfield Spiderman, Mcmahon Doom, Routh Superman, and a ton more. Since I found that to be pretty easy to answer, due to no film counterpart being able to replicate the history and development of their original comic book version, you'll find many of these theatrical versions not quite matching their original versions. Even well defined and portrayed versions from big screen depictions such as Maguire Spiderman, Jackman Wolverine, and Reeve Superman to name a few don't manage to quite escape the shadow of their comic counterparts.

However, I feel there are a select few that have been improved on the big screen, and made into better, fully formed characters.
One that comes to mind for me is Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark/aka Ironman. Adding that great sense of wit, humanity and liveliness to the otherwise dull, and downright unlikeable character from the comics, and served to catapult the Ironman character, and the entire MCU to the stratosphere. Even amongst comic readers, Downey's version of the character is loved most of all, and is more or less the definitive version of the character as far as I'm concerned

What other characters do you think were improved upon outside the comics. You can even include cartoons, video games and animated film versions if you can't think of any one else from the films.

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