vendredi 17 juillet 2015

Is it better or worse to be familiar with the comics?

Growing up, my familiarity with Marvel was through the 90s cartoons. That predominantly meant Spider-Man and X-Men since the others (Iron Man and Fantastic Four) were not as widely available. I was familiar with other Marvel characters since they had crossovers, but the familiarity was only a passing familiarity (for example, I knew Iron Man and War Machine because they appeared in Spider-Man). When I saw Iron Man, a lot was unknown.

Since then, I've read a lot of Marvel comics, but going into Daredevil was the first time I considered myself strongly knowledgeable about a Marvel character (unlike X-Men and Spider-Man movies where I knew much more). As new movies are coming out, I've been reading more (Ms./Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Dr. Strange), but I'm wondering if I should be. Every story changes from the source material. A lot of people were upset when the Mandarin was changed. I might have been too if I knew more about him. I know I was upset with Spider-Man 3's Venom. On the other hand, the changes to Daredevil didn't bother me because the series was excellent.

So my question is this: Should I read these comics in anticipation of the movies or should I avoid the comics in anticipation of the movies?

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