mercredi 1 juillet 2015

I'm working on a team that's sort of a cross between Clue and Sherlock Holmes

As I said in my title. I need help with a couple of characters.

My character introduction.
Mr. Boddy is now called Baron Black and is a master detective on par with Sherlock Holmes.

Miss Scarlet has gone political, and is now called Senator Scarlet. She is also inspired by Irene Adler. ( In order to add a little more differentiation from the game Clue, I may decide to make Scarlet a male instead)

Colonel Mustard has been replaced by his LIGHT-hearted cousin Colonel Custard, and acts as Baron Black's Dr. Watson

Mrs. White has recently been widowed and now goes by the name Widow White. She is also inspired by Mrs. Hudson.

Mr. Green has created his own gand disguised as a religion that he created, in which he gave himself the title of Guardian Green (just for lack of a title, other than General [which I did not want to use] that started with the letter 'G'). (Much like Miss Scarlet, to make my team a little different from Clue, I may decide to make Mr. Green a female.) For him, I'm taking inspiration from a minor character named Shinwell Johnson.

Mrs. Peacock has married into royalty and is now Princess Peacock. I'm not sure who to base her on, for now, it's Marjorie Raffles from a story written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's brother-in-law.

Professor Plum is still called Professor Plum. He will either be based of a one time character named Professor Presbury, or Professor Moriarty.

Officer Orange is a character that is not based on any character from Clue. She will be based off Inspector Baynes.

I have also decided to draw inspiration from the TV show Leverage by having the team help others by using cons for good.
Baron Black is the mastermind.
Senator Scarlet is the grifter.
Colonel Custard is the hitter.
Guardian Green is an informant who uses his gang to make friends with the mark.
Princess Peacock is the thief.
And, Professor Plum is the smart guy who can hack, but also does more than just that.

What I would like help with is my Princess Peacock and Professor Plum characters. From Sherlock Holmes' collection of characters, is there anyone who would better fit either of thevtwo roles?

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