vendredi 24 juillet 2015

How could you adapt mystical marvel characters to the MCU?

Do any of you have ideas on how Marvel could adapt some of its characters with convoluted backstories to the MCU? There is a lot more acceptance of magic, demons, mutagens and other things in the comic books than appear in the MCU. Notably with Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, they went from "simply born that way" to being human experiments by Hydra (and they were noted to be the only ones that survived.)

I think I have an idea for the Black Knight, a character who is regularly either a foe for Ironman or a member of the Avengers or other teams.

In the comics, originally he carried a cursed sword that came from his ancestor, a knight who was killed by Mordred and had his soul stuck in the blade that was passed down through his family eventually driving them all mad. He generally wore typical knight gear. The curse was eventually broken and various things have been done with the character-- having him become part living metal, having him use an exosuit and having half a dozen other swords at various times.

However, if one sticks to his original conception and ignores much of the later stuff, I think it could be done.

Perhaps instead of a magical cursed sword, his sword could be alien technology. It could be a Kree or Skrull or Shiar training blade-- designed to be wielded by a teacher and record the teacher's actions, skills and abilities and then used by a student who once holding the blade, basically got all the benefit of the teacher through being trained by the imprinted memories in the blade.

The first of the family to find and use the blade was a knight in the middle ages who was noted for his skill. Maybe he got some benefit from the alien teacher subconsciously. It can be left vague as to how he actually died, but he died holding the blade. And when he did, something went terribly wrong. His entire mind effectively imprinted into the blade. It was returned to his family and passed down through the generations.

The blade reacts to only the members of that family and each member of the line has held it and practiced and used it to some extent. Instead of recording just one teacher, the passed on memories recorded a dozen generations focusing and improving, honing skills well beyond what would be capable in a single lifetime... but also being addicting and slowly driving the wielder mad. Usually they ended up murdering someone.

The newest member of the family could gain the blade after his father goes insane on a mass killing rampage. He is called to action somehow, some sort of enemy he needs to deal with for personal reasons and starts using the blade.

Later the "curse" on the blade could be revealed, but the skills he learned remain with him.

Its not enough of an idea for a movie and probably still too convoluted for a supporting character in one... but maybe it is an idea that could be used in the SHIELD TV show or something.

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