dimanche 16 octobre 2016

Who should be the villain for Iron Man 4?

Assuming Iron Man 4 ends up happening and it ends up becoming a reality just who should be the villain for this film?

Personally speaking I would love for it to be Ezekiel "Zeke" Stane son of Obadiah Stane and I'll tell you why

Because it would feel like the Iron Man franchise would be coming full circle especially if you get Zeke as the villain for the 4th film and it makes sense

Tony killed Zeke's father and you basically drive the movie around Zeke wanting vengeance for his father's death considering Tony/Iron Man killed Obadiah Stane/Iron Monger in the first film

In the comic books, Ezekiel "Zeke" Stane is Obadiah's son. He has been building bio-weaponry and manufacturing next-generation weapons for terrorists and supervillains since he was only nine years old. Utilising his skills, he creates a suit that is actually physically attached to his anatomy. In this sense, he is a sort of cross between Iron Man and the Aldrich Killian character we saw in Iron Man 3 - he is armoured, but by virtue of an actual biological upgrade. What a surprise it would be for the cocky Tony Stark - a man who has saved the world from an alien threat - to find himself tackling a young upstart whose technology is superior to the equipment he has relied upon for so long. The fact that Zeke would have a revenge motive would only add to the story.

Who should be the villain for Iron Man 4?

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