samedi 8 octobre 2016

The Catch-All Iron Fist and Support Characters Costume or Lack Thereof Thread

So after watching the new trailer, my hopes of Danny getting a costume have lessened. He's keeping the facial hair throughout the whole season, and there's no indication that we'll see the costume. If we do, it will probably be a five second easter egg or joke like with Luke Cage. I don't want that, but that's the direction I see the show going.

It's the main element of this show I'm starting to find tiresome. Dangling the costume carrot for the fans who really want to see them and holding it off until the end. If they take that route again here, it's becoming a rather predictable gimmick. One I wish they stopped doing.

This is what I see as the Iron Fist look for the first season. This is just my personal prediction.

The Catch-All Iron Fist and Support Characters Costume or Lack Thereof Thread

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