jeudi 18 juin 2015

Can Dawn of Justice Make Me Like Superman?

I've always been a huge fan of comics and of superhero stories in particular, but for a reason I've never been able to put my finger on I just never clicked with Superman. Maybe it's because he's more sci-fi and less plausible- but then I enjoy the adventures of Thor and Loki so that doesn't make sense. I don't know.

Anyway, the reason I'm creating this thread is because A) I wanted to know if anyone else feels this way, B) I want people to convince me that Superman is just is as awesome as Batman, and C) To log my progress on this. Because I really do want to like Superman, and I'm hoping that because I love Batman thus will be going to see this movie, my love for Superman will inherently grow.

Sorry guys, I know it's a let down and a weird thing for a superhero fan to say- I just felt I wanted to confess, and like I say I wondered if anyone else felt this way. Maybe it's because the stories I read most were more grounded like Batman, Daredevil and Ironman. Only time will tell...

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