lundi 29 juin 2015

Who here has read ultimate ?

I keep on seeing a lot of talk about it not being like 616, but I rarely hear people talk about Ultimate-which there are some clear nods to/lifts from.

For those unfamiliar or haven't read it, 12 year old Reed Richards discovers he has bulit an interdimensonal transporter , he's recruited to be apart of the think tank of brilliant children known as the Baxter building . Once there he becomes the protégé of Doctor Franklin Storm, father of Sue & Johnny. Sue is brilliant in this universe and is said to be smarter naturally than Reed, by Reed's admission in a candid conversation with someone else. Then there is Victor....Van Damme, He's a jerk and considered eurotrash, he becomes friends with Reed after an argument about Reed's math on something.

So after Reed finally accomplishes a life long dream of creating an interdimensonal transporter on the scale he alwaysd wanted. He invites his friend Ben Grimm . Ben had always had his back when they were kids but after going to the Think Tank, Reed lost contact. The 5 gathered together they prepare to test the machine, Victor warns that there may be some instability and they may need to adjust calculations. Reed ignores him and Victor seemingly adjust it anyway, which seemingly causes the accident. They're spread out across the world with Victor ending up in Latveria wearing rags as he scrambles whatever he can to make what he can.

Now...doesn't that all sounds familiar to the things seen? I personally like the ultimate take on the 4 because it's a Reed going from the wide eyed idealist to a man who is willing to commit genocide in the name of scientific achievement(which would be an interesting place to go). I have no idea what the film is gonna be like as a final product, but am holding out hope for the first batch of reviews to hear what is up.

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