lundi 29 juin 2015

RedLetterMedia Reviews

These reviews are impossible not to touch base on when it comes to PT discussions. These reviews are the definitive negative analysis of the prequel trilogy, with each review having a roughly 90 minute run time. Jeremy Jahns, John Campea, and a number of other high profile Youtube personalities site these reviews as the best place to go for an explanation of people's feelings on the prequels in general. Many fans even say they like these reviews more than the movies themeselves. Because of this I'm making this thread to discuss these reviews.

I'm interested to see what people have to say. A lot of big PT defenders get very defensive on this subject and outright refuse to watch them or turn them off shortly after starting. Really besides the whole "I'm right, you're wrong, my opinion" rebuttal, there's not much to room to retort to a lot of this guy's points. He covers everything!

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