vendredi 24 avril 2015

AoU's connection to TWS (Spoilers)


Does anyone else feel like Age of Ultron was written in a bubble aside from The Winter Soldier? Everything that was built up in that film was rendered inert in moments every time...

Look at it;

1) Fury was dead to the world, yet he's now in charge of the Avengers? He changed his look in TWS, but nope, same old Fury

2) SHIELD is gone, but hey, here's a Helicarrier

3) SHIELD is gone, but hey, here's the staff hanging around from TWS

4) Von Strucker and HYDRA are dealt with in moments. Boy, they were a threat...

5) Black Widow went underground. Not any more!

6) Bucky was given lip service at best, felt really forced

7) The Avengers are assembled, but with no reason as to why/when

8) Agents of SHIELD ignored...

Probably more, but it seems REALLY strange to me that TWS' ramifications were ignored so wholly

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