mardi 28 avril 2015

I did a good thing. But also probably a stupid thing.

Last night I got really drunk and met a nice homeless person that I bought dinner for. He had a huge dog. I talked to him and he didn't seem crazy, just a down on his luck person in his 20's. So I invited the guy and his huge dog to sleep on my apartment floor. This morning as I started to sober up (about an hour ago) I started to get really paranoid he would rob me or something worse while I was alseep. And I also worried about his dog being detected which would be grounds for immediate eviction. So I gave the poor guy the bum rush (whoa, poor phrasing there) and got him and his giant, against apartment code dog to leave before 7am. But he was cool with it and then I felt bad. And now I'm kinda mixed. If I could go back, I wouldn't do it again. Because it was an incredibly stupid, drunk decision. But I'm kinda proud of myself for giving someone shelter, even if I kinda kicked him out really early the next day. On the other hand, so much could have gone wrong. I hate to admit it, but I'm…. kind of relieved he's gone. I don't know…. has anyone else here ever done something well-intentioned, but in hind sight incredibly dumb? What do others think about this kind of situation?

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