samedi 25 avril 2015

Height insecurity

Okay, so I'm 5'6", and generally and objectively speaking, I'm short. The thing is, I shouldn't care so much about it, but I do. It really annoys me that I am the height that I am and quite honestly I'm...insecure about it. And I don't want to say this to be pitied - it's not like I am the only man in the world of this height, it just bothers me a lot and I wonder if anyone could relate.

It's bothered me so much that I was thinking of requesting a name change from XB to --> Shortman. deadass.

I like acting a lot and I've always hoped and wished someday I could be one, but it'd be hard enough considering I'm a minority, but the fact that I'm short destroys my hypothetical and potential chances even more. It's kinda depressing.

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