jeudi 30 avril 2015

Close Encounters of the Conspiracy Theory Kind

I voted the 4th option because, even if my head screams to vote the last one, my humbleness say for me to vote that i'm not certain (which is true).
So, at this point in time, i'm 90% for "it's bs" and 10% for "i don't know".
But let me be clear in one thing, i utterly believe in alien life, i do not for a second believe we are the only intelligent race in the universe...i just don't quite believe they are here or did they ever.

For years, i was a big believer in all of this, i read a lot of books about this theme and even if my brain said to take things with a grain of salt, my superstitious side would always win.
After a few years down the road, i stopped reading/watching things about it.
3/4 years ago, on the internet, on a message board, i came in contact with a conspiracy theorist, which made me go back into it and making some research about my own amazement...i found that my opinions had totally changed.
I came to that conclusion since my first reaction to the conspiracy theorist was of strong doubt and skepticism.
I realized that i never actually questioned myself, i just accepted it due to the fantastical nature of the idea and human superstition.
Now, i have very strong doubts and actually believe this to be one of biggest hoaxes in human history (i have a theory on why all this hoax, but i pray that i'm wrong).

I have no real respect for conspiracy theorists...
Not for them as people, but for their opinions about certain topics.
I have all respect for people that believe in something, i would be really hypocritical if i didn't since i believe in the afterlife, but the thing is that conspiracy theorists don't BELIEVE...they KNOW. They don't want the army or the government to agree with them, they want the army or the government to confirm what they already know to be true, and they will not accept anything else.
And that usurpation of knowledge is cringe-worthy.

Now that we got that out of the way, my post goes about some stuff i found online.
Notice that this is not a PROOF OF ANYTHING, but it makes one think...
Let's start with Julian Assange, the once big guru of the conspiracy theorists community.
In June 7, 2014, Assange gave an interview in the “Live People’s Conference” and this is what he had to say:


“I have said in passing there is information about UFOs in Cablegate. And that is true, but these are only small passing references. Most of the material concerns UFO cults, and their behavior in recruiting people. For instance, there is quite a large cable, which we’ll try and release in the next few days, concerning the Raelians, a UFO cult which has a strong presence in Canada and was of concern to the U.S. ambassador in Canada. At that time, the Raelians claimed to have cloned an individual, and fantastically, the press all around the world ate this up and turned it into front page stories.”
Continuing from the site i took this from:

In other words, the WikiLeaks UFO cables are most likely predominately made up of inside dossiers regarding one of the most infamous UFO cults in the world: the Raëlians, who are well known for eccentric sex rituals, cloning experiments, and their belief that aliens created the human race and actively record our memories and DNA. Assange claims the WikiLeaks information pertains to the group’s recruitment practices.

So, after all this build up–no Area 51 gossip, no flying saucers, and no alien moon base Vines. And here’s the bigger irony: the WikiLeaks UFO cables are supposedly very critical of the Raëlians, who just last year awarded Assange the title of “Honorary Guide to Humanity”! Spurning their good will towards his group, Assange claims the Raëlian “weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant.”

If you combine this with their critique of Scientology–not to mention their alignment with Anonymous, which has long since declared war on the Church of Scientology–it seems Assange and WikiLeaks are mobilizing against fringe conspiracy groups just as much as they are taking on governments and transnational corporations.

That is supported by something else Assange said: “I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as [those that surround] 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.”

We agree with this sentiment. Though we are voracious supporters of continued independent investigations into the countless anomalies that occurred on 911, we believe the struggle against corporatocracy and government corruption is far more pressing than alien speculation based on scant to non-existent evidence.

Furthermore, it’s a little odd to us that, despite heavy indications that the WikiLeaks UFO cables will not disclose anything in the way of contact with extraterrestrials, UFO enthusiasts are still trying to quite literally twist Assange’s words into alien conspiracy memes by, yes, playing his 60 Minutes interview in reverse to reveal encrypted messages from extraterrestrials.

In other words, the man that found a lot of information about government secrets was unable to find anything alien related

Now, let's go to Edward Snowden, the second conspiracy theorist guru.
A couple of time ago (don't remember the date or year), this title appeared in several sites: UFOs Finally Turn Up in Documents Leaked by Edward Snowden.
But the truth was not out there, because the truth of what he found was:


That document is a Powerpoint presentation from the British intelligence agency GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters), titled simply enough "The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations", in which three of the fifty slides are images of 'UFOs'. Unfortunately, there is no text related to the images, so there could be a number of reasons for them being included - from pointing out people's belief systems, through to them possibly being part of actual psychological operations (psy-ops). The only clue might be that the images are listed under a heading of "Influence and Information Operations".
In the link below, you can see the 50 slides from the powerpoint presentation (the ufo ones are the 35, 36 e 37)

In other words, the ufo are inside a powerpoint about DECEPTION. Someone in the British intelligence agency GCHQ made a parallel between ufo and deception.

And last, but not least, we have the research paper released in 1950 titled "Exploitation of Superstitions for Purposes of Psychological Warfare".
It doesn't say anything about ufo or aliens, but it's fairly easy to make the parallel and imagine that those practices are still used today by the army.
What other reason do you find for the government to be so interested in the psychological effects of the "War of the Worlds radio broadcast", that they gave a grand to the Princeton university to study it a few months after the event?
Here is the pdf:

Bottom line, we are very superstitious and easily deceived. We want to believe in the fantastical, in something bigger than us, since we don't have an answer to the two biggest questions of all, the ones that we are looking for an answer since the dawn of time: "What is out there" and "what happens after we die".

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