dimanche 1 février 2015

Superhero Skype does Game of Thrones in February!


Any Hype members are welcome to join us in our viewing of these shows.

The Discussion Thread: http://ift.tt/1AgDBjB

The only rules are

  • Only shows on the list will be selected

  • Only the first season is required for the monthly viewing. If a show has multiple seasons

  • Each show on the generator has a minimum of 10 episodes per season, if not, we will watch S1&2

  • ALL spoilers must be tagged as such, as none of us have seen these shows before aka don't be a jerk

  • Any posts not following the spoiler rule as subject to Deletion

For the second month we're doing Game of Thrones(GoT), and in this thread we will be talking about our viewing experiences with the show. You all are welcome to join, so we'll talk about what we like and/or dislike about the show we're watching.

Winter Is Coming!

What is Game of Thrones?

Game of Thrones roughly follows the three storylines of A Song of Ice and Fire. Set in the fictional Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, the series chronicles the violent dynastic struggles among the realm's noble families for control of the Iron Throne. As the series opens, additional threats emerge in the icy North and in the eastern continent of Essos

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