jeudi 26 février 2015

Bad Guys for Agents of SHIELD

What bad guys do you want our Agents of SHIELD to face?

I'm thinking low-level henchmen or mercenary type characters who would fit into the show's dynamic on a television budget and are unlikely to be prize picks for movies. I'm avoiding any big "leader" type villains for this thread. I'll start with a few ideas, but feel free to add some or disagree with the ones I've thought of:

Taskmaster - A ubiquitous suggestion, often accompanied by suggestions that Ward turn into him (something I'm hoping to avoid in this thread). Taskmaster might require Agents of SHIELD to step up their A game in fight correography but he's otherwise a fairly low budget character to implement. He's one of the bigger mercenaries of the Marvel universe and would fit in well. Although he does have some history with Scott Lang, so I wouldn't rule him out in the movies.

Whirlwind - Often paired with Donnie Gil, David Cannon would be a nice superpowered villain who otherwise would probably be skipped because he isn't really all that exciting.

Grim Reaper - Basically a guy with a really sharp scythe, he was featured heavily in Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes and could probably work well on a television budget.

Any other ideas?

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