mercredi 25 février 2015

Should this be an origin film?

This discussion has popped up off and on in other threads, but I think it needs its own thread.

For a long time, the origin story was the staple of comicbook movies. Pretty much every first movie had to start with the hero's journey where they become the character you know and love. There was often good reason for it - it introduces the character to the audience in a way that lets them understand them. Also, some times the origin story is just really cool. However, lately, there's been a trend away from that. Thor had a hero's journey without showing how he became Thor simply due to the fact that he was always just Thor (no Don Blake secret identity). The Incredible Hulk reduced the origin to an opening credits sequence and just filled in the rest through dialogue (it helps that most people generally know what the deal with the Hulk is). Guardians of the Galaxy showed the team forming, but made each character fairly established as who they were in the beginning (there's no Peter Quill learning to be a action space hero).

I think it's fair to say for some characters, people have completely soured on origin stories - people may be fine with a rebooted Spider-Man, but I don't think anyone really sees the need to focus on Peter Parker getting his powers for a third time. In addition, there is a report that Marvel is getting away from origin stories. Some are claiming that even Dr. Strange, who has one of the more interesting origin stories, won't get an origin story movie. Other characters, like Black Panther, are apparently being introduced prior to their solo movie and will likely have to be established (at least to a certain degree).

With Captain Marvel, there are conflicting impulses. Her origin is not common knowledge. It's not like the Hulk or Spider-Man which the audience already knows. On the other hand, it's nowhere near as exciting a story as Spider-Man with Uncle Ben or Iron Man making his armor. Finally, her origin story is a story focused on an entirely different Captain Marvel - Captain Mar-Vell of the Kree and might be too involved to be anything other than an entire movie plot. Having an origin story in her own movie might take the focus away from Carol Danvers, take her away from space (where it seems they want to be her focus), and might not be that great of a story. On the other hand, a story is as strong as its writers and it's fair to say the audience doesn't know why they should care about her just yet.

So what do you think? Should this movie be an origin story? Should it be a minor part of the film? Should it be taken care of in some other story previously?

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