mercredi 25 février 2015

The Trinity Of Superheroes - Queendarkness12 Fanfic Section

I wanted to create this thread because, as a long time writer I want to share some of my ideas on some stuff I am planning to write or have written before.

I'm nobody special in the writing world, since I have a passion for it, even though I am not the best writer in the world. :huh:

I've always loved writing, since I was ten. I was always a creative person, when it came to inventing characters and creating worlds for them to inhabit them in. :highfive:

I'm just an ideas gal, trying to express some creative ideas I have for DC and Marvel, since I'm a fan of both companies and their characters. :woo:

I've always loved female superheroes, since Wonder Woman is my favourite hero of all time and how female heroes have more diversity and a range of different characters. :ww:

Since, Disney has the Avengers, Fox has X-Men and Warner Bros has Justice League in their corners. :up:

That sparked an idea......I decided to create three original female characters that would fit in those three worlds and write stories about them. :hmm

All those characters were created within three days, since my creative jucies were spirialing out of control.

Madeline Foster is a mutant with the ability of telepathy, but further down the line she is able to maniuplate purple energy fields.

Chantelle Black is a white witch, who turns out to be the daughter of Freyr and a princess of Alfheim.

Raven Joyner is a black witch, who has jaded and ignorant views on the human race because of the murder of her parents and goes on a journey to change her views and become a hero.

Here are the character profiles for the three of them for a full scale view on these three characters:




This is just an introduction and a lot more stuff will come soon. :woot:

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