mercredi 25 février 2015

International Superheroes

One thing I'd like to see is more Superheroes outside of North America.

Pretty much every Marvel and DC movie has been set in North America and I understand that is because the characters were created there but story-wise there's other countries.

The only movie that springs to mind is Wolverine origins which features the Canadian hero operating in Canada and the only upcoming one seems to be Black Panther and even then it's likely that like Wolverine, Black Panther will operate more in the USA than his home.

Others have had heroes travel to other countries and carry out movies there and then return back like The Wolverine (Japan) Thor The Dark World (U.K) and we've had international characters in America like Xavier, Storm, Nightcrawler, Black Widow ect...

How about you guys. Would you like to see more international superhero movies where the heroes live and operate in a country other than the USA?

There aren't tons of options but there are options like Captain Britain, Excalibur, Alpha Flight and some others.

Notice: this ISN'T a slight or insult to America, just a wish for some variety of heroes in this area, particularly in the cinematic universes and long running franchises.

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