mercredi 25 février 2015


It's widely thought that the new Spider-Man's first MCU appearance will be next year in Captain America: Civil War, and it's pretty much confirmed at this point. There has been plenty of speculation as to how he will make his introduction; the character is fairly integral to the comic storyline, but that role requires Spidey to be a pre-existing figure that audiences and characters know and love. While that is true on film, this is his first MCU appearance, and revealing his identity live on camera will definitely not have the impact which it needs.

Most think it will just be a small cameo (such as myself), whereas others think he will be taking on a more central role in the conflict between Cap and Tony. I believe that Spidey needs as much MCU exposure as he can get prior to his solo movie in 2017 and even after that. People need to know that he is now in these movies and as we have waited so long, we need to relish in that.

In the comics Spidey and Daredevil have a close working relationship and have teamed up numerous times. The Kingpin is a central enemy of both heroes, and I distinctly remember Peter facing off against him and working with Daredevil to take him down multiple times in the 90's animated show I watched as a kid. Due to this pre-established relationship and both characters being in New York, I think that Spider-Man will be making an appearance in Season 2 of Daredevil.

Multiple appearances, actually. One of the things I liked about TASM (one of the only things) was how Peter started off in a crappy make-shift costume fighting petty criminals and he didn't jump straight into the big stuff. I think that arc should appear again in the MCU, but on Netflix rather than in his solo movie. He could be name-dropped in the first few episodes - Matt Murdock can hear how there is a new hero in Hell's Kitchen calling himself "The Spider."

"They say he can climb walls," I can see a distressed thief telling an angry Daredevil. The audience will of course know who they are building towards and it creates suspense and hype. There is a ton of potential; Daredevil could be initially abrasive to Spider-Man's appearance on the streets and try to get him out of trouble (perhaps guessing he is just a kid), and maybe they could even come to blows. Perhaps he takes an injured Spidey back to his apartment where he learns his secret identity. Perhaps Matt has to then represent Spider-Man in court against someone suing him for property damage or whatever. Maybe he never learns his secret identity, but ends up knowing both Peter and his alter-ego because Peter goes to him for legal advice for whatever reason and Peter himself connects the dots regarding who Matt really is. Marvel could begin laying the foundations of the city's reaction to him, showing Daily Bugle newspapers displaying anti-Spidey propaganda. At the end of the season the heroes could team up to fight Kingpin or Tombstone or Scorpion or Shocker or any low-level villain. It gives Marvel a way to write him a sort-of origin without wasting too much money in the movies and they can then jump straight into the action.

If the actor Marvel casts does end up being a very young unknown then they would easily say yes to appearing in a Netflix show beforehand, and Marvel can make sure that Spider-Man's role in Season 2 does not overshadow Daredevil's. It could be similar to the Flash on Arrow. Judging by the Season 1 release date, Season 2 should have a similar one, meaning we would see him again about a month later where he can be fully-costumed and into his role as a superhero by now. It's world-building, it makes sense, it gives the fans what they want, and it would be really freaking cool.


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