lundi 2 février 2015

75 Years in a Flash

January 2015 was the 75th anniversary of the debut date of The Flash Comics.

Thanks to Gardner Fox, and with assist from Harry Lampert, we had the base of what some believe to be the reason comics today are as valuable as they are.

Historians believe the creation of Jay Garrick, the first speedster to carry the mantle of the Flash, made comics more popular for the time.

To revitalize the Flash, and make it more modern in the 50s, and make the character fitting for the world of the versions DC's big 3 at the time, Carmine Infantino and John Broome gave us this character.

Comic historians believe the creation of this character revitalized comic books back in the silver age.

Barry Allen was the first leader of the Justice League of America, Mark Waid brought that up in one of the issues of his and Barry Kitson's mini series.

In one of the issues Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) and Aquaman are together on a mission, GL gave a command as he usually does, Aquaman asked him why he gives commands, GL's response was "because I'm the leader" (and he proved himself to be good in that position, even with his dorky moments and sometimes out of line behavior, at least not as bad as they are in NU52), Aquaman laughed and said him, Canary, and J'onn agreed Flash is the group leader.

One of the great things about Barry Allen is the introduction of Wally West in his era, a favorite for many flash fans.

Back then they had a similar personality, and the same costume.

Can you tell who is who?

It wasn't before Flash 135 that Wally's costume changed to the most recognized costume for Kid Flash.

Flash 139 was the debut of Flashes arch nemesis, the second Reverse Flash: Professor Zoom/Eobard Thawne

Why did Barry have issue 120 so early after his debut?

Flash Comics (Jay Garrick's series) stopped at issue 104, they took over at Flash 105 and continued the 246 issues of Barry Allen.

It made it more perfect for this opportunity, the meeting of the Flashes of the two worlds.

Making Barry Allen the first hero to cross the boarder between two worlds teaming up with his counterpart from that universe, and making way for adventures teaming the Justice League of Earth 1 with the Justice Society of Earth 2.

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