It was a dark time in the Land of Hyperolia as the Knights were gathering on the Eve of the Party of Slumber. Libertaria along with southern Knight Chastity Chistiansen were to be the head planners, but unbeknownst to them a great evil was eavesdropping on their plans. It was not their primary evil Hermphroditis however, but a new evil in the form of Snyderyous who was always jealous of the Knights' gatherings for he did not deem them "cool" or "awesome" enough. He preferred much grander occasions where everything was decorating with oversaturated colors or covered in bleak, almost albino-inducing lighting. He would take many things from the Knights, things they once held dear and use this method to destroy them in a perverse attempt at achieving perfection. He had planned to destroy the Party of Slumber and recreate it in his own perfect vision. A dystopian future where the Knights would have to fight their way through fast running zombies using erotic dance in a terribly out of place, hallucinogenic-like dream sequence...
To Be Continued
To Be Continued
The Chronicles of Libertaria
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