mercredi 25 janvier 2017

What do you want out of a Fantastic Four reboot?

Hollywood can never keep a superhero franchise on ice for too long. I think a Fantastic Four reboot is inevitable. Whether Fox tries yet-again to kickstart the franchise or Marvel Studios puts their spin on the characters, we can all agree that they would have (hopefully) learned their lesson from the 2015 film. That lesson being to stay true to the beloved source material. The more you deviate from it, the more alienated the fanbase becomes. Personally, I think a reboot should go all-out classic and take place in the 1960's. Give them the bright blue suits. Doctor Doom should NOT be the villain in the reboot. Yes, Doom is the greatest foe in the F4 rogues gallery, but we've seen him twice already. Build him up for the sequel and bring in someone like Mole Man to be the threat. Most importantly though, focus on the aspect of the F4 that makes them so special. They aren't a team. They're a FAMILY. Thoughts?

What do you want out of a Fantastic Four reboot?

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