vendredi 27 janvier 2017

Australia Day date change

Okay, I don't know how many Aussies there are here, but for those that are, there is this endless debate that happens every year around Australia Day about moving the date of Australia Day because of the sensitivity of the day for Aboriginal People (for you Americans, Australia Day is like Columbus Day, it's the day that the British arrived on Australian soil and colonised it with their convicts and declared Australia Terra Nullius despite Indigenous Australians already occupying the land because the British considered them animals).

Who here agrees that the date should be changed? I personally believe it should be changed because I believe the 3rd of March 1986, when the Australia Act was passed where the British parliament relinquished the right to legislate for Australia was the true birth of our nation. That's when we truly became an independent nation rather than just a subsidiary of Britain.

That said, I am not overly enthusiastic about a change. I wouldn't get out on the streets to see change because it's not a high order issue for me. It won't improve anyone's standard of living at all. It is purely symbolic. Same deal with the Republic issue, we spend way too much time talking about that. I'm a republican, but seriously, there are more important issues.

Mental Health is a much higher order issue than those two issues I mentioned, yet you hardly hear ANYTHING on it. It actually effects people's lives, yet those two issues get all the airtime and mental health gets no airtime.

Australia Day date change

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