samedi 21 janvier 2017

Once Upon a Time

Anyone else watching this..?

I've just spent that last two or three weeks binging on seasons 1-5 on Netflix. Such a good series, makes me wish I'd been watching it from the start! Going through it so fast makes me feel like it just started rather than it being six seasons in already.

Sure it can be a little hokey at times, but I'm liking the twists and turns and especially...

[SPOILER]...Regina's redemption story. I love a good redemption story and they are handling really well.[/SPOILER]

I've liked pretty much everything right up to the Dark Swan arc, and although it was good, it seems that they lightened up on the plot rather than going as dark as they should have.

Season 6 though seems even more off. So far, the only episode I've really liked is 'Heartless.' Which is also the last one I've seen so far, and I wonder if it was better because Espensen wrote it?

It felt tighter and more suspenseful like the first few seasons, whereas as the few before were more loose and a bit disjointed. The Aladdin arc wasn't done too well either, especially with the British accents.

Still, I have two more before the mid-season break and then it starts up again in March. Hopefully the latter half of the season will improve and they'll get a seventh.

Once Upon a Time

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