samedi 21 janvier 2017

The Ultimate Goal

I'm a tremendous fan of man of steel and BVS. Im happy where these movies were going but I think it's very important that for the heroes to be a big success, they can't just save the world. They have to make it better than it was before they, and the "super villains" were ever on the scene.
Something huge like the elimination of nuclear weapons, solving world hunger.. whatever.
I love this Superman but he did, unknowingly, and unintentionally caused the earth some damage so far.
I think that's fine. There's a lot of drama in that. But with Superman almost being a living God, I think Superman does need to do something to inspire people to make the Earth a noticeably better place. For a real payoff, I think in the end the world really has to have changed like never before. How so, I'm not sure.
I'd be interested if anyone had any thoughts on this idea. If you've maybe thought of this or is the world existing through their heroism, enough?

The Ultimate Goal

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