vendredi 13 janvier 2017

Rogue One: Comic(s)

Marvel Announces Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Comic Adaptation


The “Rogue One” adaptation follows in a tradition of comic book adaptations for “Star Wars” films. Marvel adapted the original “Star Wars” in a six-issue storyline that kicked off their first ongoing “Star Wars” comic in 1977. Marvel subsequently adapted “The Empire Strikes Back” and “Return of the Jedi.” The publisher also just concluded their “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” adaptation.


The limited series won’t just be a strict adaptation of what fans saw in the theater, however. Houser spoke about the series, saying that it will include more than what was seen in the film. “The comics will definitely expand on what was seen in both ‘Rogue One’ the film and the novelization,” said Houser. “Lucasfilm and [‘Rogue One’ director] Gareth Edwards had a bunch of ideas for extra scenes and character moments that didn’t make it into the film. I’m having a lot of fun playing around with those. Adaptations across different forms of media have always been a great opportunity to explore other facets of the story, and we’re excited to have new material in the ‘Rogue One’ comic.”
It'll be interesting to see how they expand on the story from what we saw on film.


I love the characters who stole the movie as much as everyone else — Chirrut, Baze and K-2SO, I would say — but I find something really compelling about the trio of Bodhi, Jyn, and Cassian. You have the new convert, the lapsed believer, and the life-long devout thrown together to work for a common goal. That’s a dynamic I’m excited to explore further.

Rogue One: Comic(s)

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