jeudi 12 janvier 2017

Missed Dad's Last Speech?

This family can get security clearance to darn near any place on the planet...... I've gotten extensions on exams, while in school, for much less.

You mean to tell me that Sasha had to study for an exam?? She's 15! What's that?? Ninth grade??? What?? Her English Lit class is that important? I joke...but you see my point? And she couldnt be there to hear her dad's LAST SPEECH AS PRESIDENT?

I'll say this.........they can and have been able to skate on any excuse they give us. The media has acted as their guard dogs for 8 years. I'm not even saying that the real reason is something bad.....Heck I dont know what it could be. But it aint no freakin exam.

And if this was the child of any Republican, no less than 30 reporters would be sniffing at her school or tapping her text messages. Just ask the Palin family.

Missed Dad's Last Speech?

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