samedi 17 décembre 2016

What would you change about Rogue One?

There seems to be a lot of divisiveness about many aspects of the film. This thread isn't meant to be a "I hate Rogue One" thread, but a conversation on things you might wish they did differently. I'm curious on people's thoughts about this, so please share, however trivial!

Note: debate on any proposed change is welcome, but "I'd change nothing" adds zilch to the conversation.


I'll start:

I would have either removed the character of Saw completely, or made him an established part of the team from the beginning. I really liked the concept his character brought to the table (not all rebels are "good"), but that notion just didn't have enough room in the film as it is.

His character only served to get Jyn in with the rebels, but in doing so, it added a lot of unecessary scenes, convoluted the first half of the movie and took time away from other characters.

I think they should have just condensed that whole set up by having the defector go directly to the rebels. They could still add in Jyn by having daddy Erso being paranoid of being caught, so he only trusts Jyn to relay the message (i.e.: he's worried an imperial could claim to be a rebel sent to get the info). This forces the rebels to find Jyn, and the rest of the plot stays largely the same, but with more time dedicated to the main characters. Even the major events at Jedha could remain intact by moving it near the beginning of the film and having that be where Jyn is held prisoner.

What would you change about Rogue One?

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