vendredi 30 décembre 2016

Questions about 01x08 Hostile Takeover

I've got 2 questions about Hostile Takeover. In Season 2, it's revealed that Superman and Jonn do not get on, because of Kryptonite. However, in Hostile Takeover, Jonn says that Kryptonians are impervious to his telepathy which Superman finds hilarious. That doesn't make sense. If they don't get on, why would Superman find this fact hilarious.

Also a question about Superman. In Human For A Day I think it was, which is 01x07, when Hank Henshaw comes to take Kara and recruits Jeremiah to the DEO, he says that Superman refuses to work with them, yet in Season 2, Jonn said they didn't get on because Jonn found Kryptonite just after he took over the DEO, when Superman would work with them. So for that to make sense, it would have to be that Superman wouldn't work with them while Henshaw was at the helm (because of Cadmus according to James), yet started working with them when Jonn took over (somehow he knew Jonn was not actually the real Hank Henshaw) and then stopped after Operation Emerald.

Back onto Hostile Takeover, at the end, when Non and Supergirl are facing each other, he calls her the last daughter of the great House of El, however, wouldn't Astra be considered part of the House of El?

These are not the only inconsistencies that I've found, and it makes me think that the show seriously needs more competent writers that have a memory of what they have written so the story makes sense.

Questions about 01x08 Hostile Takeover

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