lundi 26 décembre 2016

How should comics reflect an increasing xenophobic world?

I have a thread in the SUPERMAN forum as well for overall. But this here is for MARVEL, DC, and etc. How should comics respond to an increasing xenophobic world?

Personally I'd love for them to tackle it head on. William Stryker should achieve political prominence if not become a President if possible. Fear of sentinels should be on the rise. The mutant registry should pop back up should reflect talks of Muslim registry. The Red Skull should be more powerful and scarier than in recent past with the re emergence of the alt-reich. The Inhumans, how it was handled on Agents of Shield recently in these topical regards, would be another great way into it.

In DC go through Superman and Supergirl dealing with a more powerful Lex Luthor, as well as reflecting it through Martian Manhunter.

These are unfortunately very scary and real concerns right now that comics are easily set up to tackle head on, thus I'd love to see it focus on it increasingly more. I can say as a first generation hispanic immigrant, my world has become sadly a lot more dangerous than it was prior to this campaign and election. I've felt personally more threatened than ever and that's a real fear I'd love to see comics handle, take on, and provide hope for in a very dark tunnel.

The recent DC films as well as Supergirl have tackled this subject as well, obviously X-Men. What recent comics or arcs would you say in comics have handled this since 2015?

How would you like to see xenophobia handled and reflected in comics? I would absolutely LOVE to see Alan Moore tackle it in some fashion with an original work, similar to Watchmen and V for Vendetta. That too would be awesome. I just, as said, see a lot that can be done here.

How should comics reflect an increasing xenophobic world?

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