mardi 27 décembre 2016

Batman/Judge Dredd: Crossover Case

Could Batman be an 'arbiter' more than a 'vigilante'?

Batman has to deal with villains who are basically criminally insane (e.g., Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Two-Face, etc.).

However, some Bat-villains consider themselves to be 'revolutionaries' or even 'philosophers' (i.e., Ra's al Ghul, Two-Face) and appreciate the label of 'vigilante.'

So what if Batman deals with modern age urbanization-related criminality as more of a Judge Dredd type character or arbiter of the civics process? There is after all a decent Batman/Dredd crossover comic!

Imagine if Batman was negotiating with American movie actor and respected celebrity Michael Douglas about his role in the politically-conscious films The Star Chamber and Traffic (regarding the prosecution of Harley Quinn as a criminally insane nemesis of 'Gotham City').

In other words, there could be intriguing Batman/Dick Tracy crossovers, no?

Such conversations I think arise from the entertaining Batman/Judge Dredd crossover.

What do you think? Are you a general fan of Judge Dredd?


BATMAN: You've made two socially-conscious films, Mr. Douglas!
DOUGLAS: Hey, pal, I'm flattered, but I'm just a thespian.
BATMAN: I understand, but your 'research' into sociology makes you...wise.
DOUGLAS: Perhaps. I don't think Harley Quinn deserves the death-penalty.
BATMAN: Are you interested in women's rights?
DOUGLAS: Hey, you're the vigilante; are you?
BATMAN: I'm merely an 'arbiter' of due process...
DOUGLAS: What do you expect from me?
BATMAN: You could be a role model, given your 'celebrity' status.
DOUGLAS: Criminal insanity is the domain of psychologists.
BATMAN: Of course, but thespians are 'versed' in 'mob psychology.'
DOUGLAS: You sound like Mark Antony. Maybe I could be a 'councilman.'
BATMAN: You'd be more inspiring than, say, Jerry Springer!
DOUGLAS: "Female convicts on the next Ellen DeGeneres Show"?
BATMAN: Why not? Your influence could inspire an episode of the show!
DOUGLAS: You think Americans care that much about publicity?
BATMAN: Americans go nuts over celebrities. Hey, I'm just an 'arbiter.'



Batman/Judge Dredd (Wikipedia)

The Star Chamber (Film)

Batman/Judge Dredd: Crossover Case

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