jeudi 8 décembre 2016

Star Wars Episode I - The Seven Jedi


Episode I is the action adventure story with the introductions of Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Queen Rose Winterfield, Darth Pryor, Razaak and the Jedi Knights. It is a Men on a Mission story. The idea is that introduce familiar elements into the Star Wars Mythology that feels fresh to Star Wars itself. The story begins with introduction of the Clone Federation invading the peaceful world of Alderaan. The Queen escapes, crash lands on Tatooine. There she meets a new corrupt world that she has never encountered. She has always been sheltered her whole life. Anakin is a 19 year old street kid, who is self trained in elements of the Force. He uses his talents to steal from vistors to survive. He ends up stealing from the Queen as she is looking for the authorities to get her to Corcusant. Anakin has never seen anyone as innocent and beautiful as Rose and he is quickly intrigued by her. The Clone Federation sends a transmission out for her capture and the authorities of Mos Alpa are corrupt, lead by Sheriff Daggett. They capture her for the reward. Anakin purposely gets into trouble so he can end up in jail with her to break her free. The corrupt authories of Mos Alpa are very familiar with Anakin as he's always in trouble. He's been in jail so much, he knows how to escape and gets her free. As he was able to handle the threat of the Mos Alpa authorities, a bigger threat has landed as Daggett informed Clones that they have Rose. Hidden away for the night, Rose is introduced to Anakin's home life. Small one bedroom dirty room where that is his only shelter. She feels bad for him, but still doesn't trust him for stealing from her earlier. Anakin reveals that if he helps her, can he live on her planet, Alderaan. Rose says that she doesn't allow thieves or bad people in her world, but makes an acception. The next day, the head out of the city to get to another location to send a transmission, but the Clones chase them as a large action chase sequence occurs. The Clones have these glider type of ships that is chasing Anakin in his speeder. They hide in some caves and as the threat gets closer, there is major commotion outside. A hooded figure enters the cave which is revealed OBI WAN KENOBI.

The three get to a hanger where a pilot awaits to take them to Corusant. The Corrupt Mos Alpa authories attack killing the pilot. Anakin claims he can fly the ship and escapes and heads to Corcusant. There is a confrontation between Anakin and Obi Wan as Anakin is jealous of Obi Wan for being more powerful and more heroic. Anakin is floating an object from the ship that Obi Wan is confused on how he is able to use the force. Anakin reveals his backstory of just being an orphan raised on the streets from town to town in Tatooine. Obi Wan explains what the Force is to Anakin as he's never heard of it before. Obi Wan tries to hover the object toward his hand, but Anakin uses the Force to counter it back to his - the two in a duel of using the force, Obi Wan for ego and Anakin to impress Rose. Obi Wan wins and the object flies into his hand. Obi Wan explains that it is uncanny for anyone to be able to do that without being taught. Anakin shrugs. He is not concerned with the Force, his objective is just to run away from Tatooine. His character is always running away from his problems.

On Corcusant - Obi Wan introduces Anakin to Master Vasseem. Bail Organa is friends with Vasseem and asks for the help of the Jedi. Bail believes the Republic will take too long to act and wants Razaak captured as soon as possible. Vasseem accepts the mission from Bail Organa. Vasseem and Obi Wan introduce Anakin to the world of the Jedi. There are only 20 Jedi in the galaxy and all hidden among the people. They are myth to many. They only appear when there is danger to the peaceful Republic. They are warriors of the galaxy. Obi Wan and Vasseem introduce Anakin to the Jedi living in Corcusant. Vasseem is the second most powerful Jedi in the galaxy, the top student of Yoda.

Mikhail and his brother Nort. Mikhail is Yoda's second top student. While Vasseem took on two students, Mikhail only took one - his younger brother, Nort. Nort is believed to be the greatest and most powerful Jedi soon. He is young and still learning, but so much potential. Mikhail is dedicated to training him. Vasseem's two students are Swan Swindel and Ky'Lee. Swan is a beautiful female, silent, deadly. A brooding warrior who does not say much. Ky'Lee is the master swordsman. He is young and extremely cocky with his talents. He is the most acrobatic Jedi. The final Jedi is Baz Newton, who Vasseem has to find on his own. Baz is the Lone Wolf of the Jedi. He is Yoda's third student, while Obi Wan is Yoda's fourth. Baz Newton is incredibly powerful, but very rebellious. He doesn't want to go on the mission to Alderaan, but at the last minute agrees. Anakin only agrees to help Alderaan because he wants to live alone on Alderaan. Obi Wan argues that he should make something of himself, but Anakin has no interest in becoming a Jedi. He just wants to run away and survive.

A large debate is going on in the Republic. Representatives from across the galaxy debating on how to go about the Alderaan invasion. Many believe if they send many ships and soldiers, many innocent citizens of Alderaan could die in the cross fire. President Palpatine of Mustaphar is introduced and argues that the Republic should establish an Army of itself to attack the Clone Federation or any other future threates, but Palpatine's war like ideology is shot down by many claiming that would not help matters. While this debate is frustrating Rose, she finds Anakin and asks for a favor. The Jedi meet again with Bail Organa who supplies the Jedi the ship and a pilot, but Obi Wan insists Anakin is perhaps the greatest pilot of the galaxy and will pilot the mission.

Back on Alderaan, the Extractor is working, but a mysterious dark hooded figure sneaks through the Palace and makes his way to the Throne Room where he kills many Clone Guards. He confronts Razaak. He is DARTH PRYOR, a Sith Lord. He makes an alliance with Razaak. He claims that the Republic is sending the Jedi to capture Razaak and he will need protection from them. Razaak claims he has an army, what is a few Jedi going to do - but Pryor makes an example by killing his top guard. He says that if he can get to him this easy, imagine what many of them could do. Razaak asks what he wants in return for protection, Pryor says it is none of his business, but he has his reasons.

The Seven Jedi fly toward Alderaan. Anakin does some tricky manuevers, but gets through to the planet. They land in a forest near the palace. There is a rumble outside the ship. Obi Wan is the technology Jedi. He is the smart one. He is scanning his devices but insists there is no technology or Clone technology near their ship, so the eight are confused. The rumble gets closer and Rose pops out from a hidden compartment to announce that is the no limit zone. Everyone except Anakin is suprised by her appearance. Vasseem asks why its a no limit zone, she replies because of the Sanstoms, giant monsters. The Sanstom attacks the ship and some of the Jedi exit the ship and use their abilities to force the monster to chase them to where they subdue the monster where he falls off a waterfall. Rose says that she could not stay on Corcusant, that she wants to be with her people and that she can help. She points out the location of her military, the Freedom Fighters. Baz Newton is going alone to get the freedom fighters. Ky'Lee, Swan, Mikahil and Nort are all going after Razaak. Vasseem is staying on the ship to protect Rose and be the central leader. Obi Wan and Anakin are going to the Extractor to find weaknesses. Vasseem says something is wrong, he senses the dark side on his planet.

The Jedi sneak into the city. Each Jedi has an earpiece to talk to one another. The four Jedi enter the palace after sneaking through Clones. Nort splits from the group to enter another level. Nort runs into Pryor. Pryor quickly lashes at him, Nort barely ignites his blue lightsaber to defend, but Pryor is too powerful and slices him down, Mikhail screams. Mikhail runs toward Nort's location and Swan tells him not to go, but he doesn't listen. His emotions are too strong. Ky'Lee splits up as they realize there is a Sith Lord here. Mikhail enters the room to see his dead brother on the ground. The door behind him shuts and he realizes he is surrounded by hidden Clones with their blasters aimed at him. Pryor appears. He gives the order and the Clones shoots down Mikhail. Pryor walks toward him. He bends down and tells him the Sith will rule the Galaxy soon. Mikhail dies. Ky'Lee is outside the palace, using his amazing acrobatic skills to climb up the balconies. He is met by an awaiting Pryor. Ky'Lee is more prepared for his battle. He strikes first, and the two clash on a balcony behind the Palace, above water. Ky'Lee is quick, using backflips and quickness to last against Pryor, but Pryor catches him, strikes him down and he falls to his death. Vasseem notices the Jedi are dying, he is calling for Swan to abort the Palace. Pryor picks up earpiece from Mikhail and says 'Vasseem', Vasseem tells Jedi to end the frequency. Obi Wan and Anakin are concerned. Meanwhile, Baz Newton uses his sheer power to overcome the Clones to free the Freedom Fighters. Baz is strong with the Force. He always fights alone.

Razaak realizes the Jedi presence, makes a speech to threaten the Jedi. Swan is hidden among the villagers. Here we see the peaceful and scared villagers. Razaak walks among the Alderaan people, Swan follows closely, she is ready to strike. She will take matters in her own hands. She gets closer and nearly is able to cut him down from his back, but she is surprised that Pryor has been on her trail and impales her with his lightsaber , stabs her in the back. Razaak turns slowly and smiles at Swan. She is down as well. Baz Newton senses the death of Swan, which provokes anger. The villagers surround and mourn Swan. Baz walks through the crowd and bends down, closes his eyes, holds her head in his chest. A villager asks if he knew her, Baz says he did. He gets up and mentally tells Vasseem is is sorry for being a rebel for all these years. He heads toward the Palace and ignites his lightsaber and calls out the Sith Lord. Pryor is waiting at the top of the giant steps. Razaak is watching from a distance with his crew. A small lightsaber battle takes place, but Pryor gets the best of Baz Newton and injures him, he falls out off the stairs. Pryor believes he is dead. Vasseem now knows he is the only one powerful enough to stop Pryor.

Freedom Fighters arrive and a battle breaks out against the Extractor. Obi Wan and Anakin manage to stop the drill. Vasseem calls back Obi Wan to return to the ship in order to protect the Queen and so he can face the evil Sith Lord himself. The Clones have located the Ship in the No Limit Zone. Vasseem uses his awesome abilities to destroy the Clones, but is getting out numbered, when Obi Wan and Anakin appear to save him. Vasseem orders Obi Wan not to go after him, he must go alone. Obi Wan asks about the Sith Lord, Vasseem says he is not sure who he is, but the Sith Lord knows his name. Obi Wan needs to get away from the ship because more Clones will be on the way, so Rose says she knows a safe location.

Vasseem turns himself in to the Clones to confront Pryor. Safe House in the deep village outside the palace, Anakin and Obi Wan watch Rose reunite with someone she loves, a male named Kwan. Anakin sees this and gets upset. He feels he doesn't have a chance with her anymore and loses his ambition to succeed with the Jedi. He begins to run away. Obi Wan receives a signal from Baz Newton, he's still alive, but wounded. He is going after him, but realizes Anakin is gone. He tracks down Anakin and the two have a heated conversation. Anakin says there is no hope. He'll adapt and live on Alderaan. Obi Wan questions what he is going to do living here, just steal more, run away from city to city. He wants him to become a Jedi. Anakin argues that there is no hope for him. Anakin walks off.

Vassem confronts Pryor. Pryor asks if he remembers him. Vasseem doesn't. Pryor then reveals his backstory. Says that space pirates killed his family as a boy. He wanted revenge, knew he was powerful with the Force, but the Jedi rejected him. Jedi should never use powers for revenge. So then a great man found him when he was broken. Saw the potential in Pryor. Trained him as something more powerful than a Jedi. Vasseem asks if he took revenge. Pryor smiled and said revenge was the only path toward his freedom of his mind. And now he owes his mentor his life because now he is more powerful than the Jedi. Pryor wants to know if Vasseem is the most powerful Jedi or if the myth is real and if Yoda truly exists. Vasseem wont answer. Pryor says he if Yoda does exists, he is more powerful than him . Vasseem says he is not, but Pryor says he can prove it by killing Vasseem. He hands Vasseem his green lightsaber that the guards took. Pryor ignites his red lightsaber and the two clash. Obi Wan finds Baz and sees Vasseem in danger, Baz says he's okay, to help Vasseem take out the Sith Lord. Obi Wan rushes in the Palace to the top.

Anakin has a change of heart and heads toward Obi Wan for help. Obi Wan is the only person that has ever believed in him. The two make their way toward the top, taking out Clone Soldiers as they go. Vasseem is overpowered and Obi Wan witnesses Pryor getting the best of him, ending his life as the battle made its way toward a Palace hanger area where Razaak's ship is at. Razaak enjoying the showdown as a spectator. However, loud ships and noise turn his attention as the Republic has made its way toward Alderaan. An all out war takes place, Razaak calls for the Extractor to lift off and the Clones being to abort the planet. Obi Wan and Pryor square off. Anakin shooting the Clones around him on the hanger. The sun sets. Orange sky. Explosions of ships near village. Obi Wan gets injured and is down. Anakin uses the force to grab Obi Wan's lightsaber and stop Pryor from the kill. Anakin backs up. Obi Wan yells at Anakin to run. But Anakin is ready to battle the Sith Lord. It only takes two strikes, and Pryor knocks Anakin down. Pryor about to go for the kill, but a giant Republic ship appears in front of Razaak and Pryor. A small latch of the ship opens. Razaak guards fires their guns at the ship and it turns slowly and takes off. Pryor now turns his attention back to killing Anakin and lifts his arm for the kill, but his arm is frozen. He turns around to see a little green creature standing on the balcony of the hanger. It is YODA. Pryor confused. Yoda lifts his arm to raise Obi Wan's blue lightsaber and Vasseem's green lightsaber. The two weapons are unleashed toward Pryor, cutting his hand off and wounding his shoulder. He is down. Razaak orders the Clones to bring him on the ship, Razaak's ship takes off. Yoda walks to Vasseem and frowns. The Clone Federation retreats as the Republic is too much to handle.

On ship, Razaak tends to Pryor's wounds. He screams and things around him burst. He tells everyone to leave the room. He calls his master, which is revealed to be President Palpatine of Mustaphar. He says that he killed most of the Jedi, but Yoda does exists. He asks if he should come home to Mustaphar or stay with the Clone Federation. Palpatine says he did well, but tells him to make sure Razaak is protected. Palpatine wants to instill fear into the Republic for proof that his ideology is correct about a Republic Army.

Funeral for the dead Jedi. Yoda, Baz Newton and Obi Wan surround the fires. Obi Wan asks the two if Anakin can be trained that he proved his worth in this battle. Baz is against it, Yoda accepts it as there needs to be more Jedi since five had died. But Obi Wan realizes Anakin might have already ran away. Anakin arrives at the Palace. He is there to see Queen Rose. The man who hugged Rose at the Safe house appears. He introduces himself as PRINCE KWAN WINTERFIELD, the brother of Rose. Anakin shocked. Rose is excited to see Anakin upstairs and heads down to see him. As Anakin awaits Rose, there is a giant mirror in which Anakin sees himself. He stares at it. He realizes that he should not see Rose at this time, since he feels he is a nobody. He leaves and takes off. Rose reaches the lower level and Anakin is gone. She goes outside and he is nowhere to be found. She whispers to herself that she does trust him. Anakin arrives with the three Jedi. The group gathers and mourns their fellow warriors who have died in battle.


Star Wars Episode I - The Seven Jedi

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