vendredi 9 décembre 2016

Please let Tom Holland guest-star as Spider-Man in Daredevil Season 3!

I love how Marvel Studios has expanded the universe through television and Netflix. I love for a fact that The Avengers all exist on the series but you don't ever see them.

But I have to admit it does feel weird to me, when watching Daredevil and realizing that the Avengers actually exist in this world, because Daredevil is so realistic in comparison to the Avengers films, suddenly seeing an Avenger on Daredevil would feel weird. It also doesn't feel like it is in the same world either, regardless, I would really love to see Holland's Spider-Man guest-star in at least one episode of Daredevil season 3.

I get that their objective is not to focus on other Marvel characters in the show (excluding the Defenders), and I love Daredevil for what it is, by not spending its time on other Avengers appearing in the show, and for me, it was the first in the MCU to successfully not make the audience think about the other Avengers appearing.

With Thor or Ant-Man, any time those movies made references to the other MCU characters, it made me a little more excited about seeing those characters consequently. Regardless, I wanted to like the characters in their standalone films, but I did later on.

Captain America: Civil War managed to do well for Captain America himself, in spite of having Spider-Man appear in the MCU for the first time.

It's hard to make a point out of this, but if Spider-Man showed up in Daredevil for one episode, that would be freaking amazing. I wouldn't worry about having Spidey show up and change the theme of the series, but the show can still be, and should still be dark, while Spider-Man can remain the same character and be humorous, only he'll be on a more, serious Marvel series.

Seeing Spider-Man and Daredevil team up in one episode would be awesome, 1) because Daredevil is an extended Marvel Universe show, and 2) having Spider-Man from the movies and guest starring on the show makes it all the much more exciting--and because the show is on Netflix. It would do really well for the Marvel Universe.

But mainly because both Matt Murdock and Peter Parker live in the same city but in different areas, Hell's Kitchen and Queens. Not even hearing a single or even a tiny reference to Spider-Man in the show would be disappointing.

If anything this show has succeeded on, it's being a standalone show, and not focusing on the easter eggs and references to the MCU. It should keep that tradition while having Tom Holland's Spider-Man guest star in at least one episode. It would be great. It's never been done before.

With that said though, with Tony Stark appearing in Spider-Man: looks more like a buddy-picture which has me at concern.

I think though, that by having Spidey guest in Daredevil, it would be a good idea to make one connection with the movies and the TV shows.

I'm also waiting for the day we see Ghost Rider (from Agents of SHIELD), Daredevil, Punisher, and the other Defenders show up in the Avengers. Not that Punisher will ever consider himself a part of the team though, or even be accepted by the Avengers.

I like the Netflix shows being separate, that's a good thing, but I don't want them to be too separate. Spidey in Daredevil...please make it happen Netflix and Marvel.

I wouldn't have considered any either Avenger to guest in Daredevil...Spider-Man would be the most interesting choice out of all in my opinion. They can tell a good story with these two.

Please let Tom Holland guest-star as Spider-Man in Daredevil Season 3!

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