mercredi 7 décembre 2016

A superhero movie with no action?

Would you be interested in a superhero movie that doesn't have any action? Marvel has flirted with different genres, but could just drama carry the whole movie?

I have kinda always wanted a Superman movie that didn't have any villains, at least in traditional sense. Movie that is just about exploration of Clark Kent and his role in the world. First act of BvS attempted something like that, which I admire, but I found the execution to be dull and heartless. My dream movie would have scenes like one below.

On Marvel side I'd enjoy Hawkeye movie that was about his homelife. What is his relationship with his wife like? What do they argue about and how they solve those arguments? How do they show their love for each other? How does Clint raise his kids? Does he tell stories of his adventures? If he spends most of his time avengering, how does he connect to his children?

A superhero movie with no action?

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