jeudi 8 septembre 2016

I need help respecting men

i have little respect for men and i have issues with dating men because i feel they are here to serve me and very little other worth. Where can i start by not feeling so hateful and insecure about men? If this is inappropriate for this board please delete, but I'm truly seeking help and could find no links on the web to read.
I don't want to have hate and fear in my heart. When i would drink i would lash out in anger at all the men in my life including my bf, dad or any man. When i see two men together i feel uncomfortable because it makes me feel like zero self worth. Again i don't want this to be a bash men thread or for me to make a thread bashing men I truly just want some help and opinions about how to become a better person. I think this thread may be able to help someone else in the same position.

seriously. send help. :(

I need help respecting men

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