samedi 24 septembre 2016

Giving Civil War another shot...

Right now I'm watching Civil War for the 4th time. I figure this place will be better than anywhere to discuss it as my Facebook feed is just a putrid mix of fall cookie recipes and today's political tensions. AKA no one there really cares about this movie. For the record, Captain America is my favorite superhero by a good stretch and Winter Soldier is definitely one of my all time favorite movies.

This brings me to why I am having such a difficult time with Civil War. Where to start? Winter Soldier set up this and Age of Ultron superbly. And it seems that in Civil War you can see remnants of what originally a satisfying Captain America 3 would've been. What we got instead was a hijacked script, movie by committee most interested in getting as much star power as possible to raise the box office gross. It looks like originally we were set up to have a Bucky redemption story with Cap, Bucky, and crew going out to stop Zemo and his crew of unstable Super Soldiers. Instead we got a relatively humorless look into how complicated, frustrating, and bureaucratic our modern world is.

I think I'm gonna cut this short cause I'm starting to frustrate myself. But wow, it seems like this movie could've been more uplifting, less mired in the complexity of our modern society, and most importantly an actual story about the hero this movie was supposedly about. If all future movies are just going to be solo movies in name only, I'll be off this MCU train ride sooner rather than later.


Giving Civil War another shot...

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