vendredi 23 septembre 2016

Aquaman/Manta: The Computer Film

Black Manta is the diabolical arch-nemesis of Aquaman. Black Manta (as we know), devises deadly gadgets and under-water vehicles and obsessively terrorizes Aquaman and is something like a 'mad scientist.'

If Aquaman represents the tranquility of the waters, Black Manta represents the vanity of machines.

Our modern world is preoccupied with machines (especially programmed computers). We surf the Internet to buy groceries, make social connections, vote for politicians, study history-info websites, share and view uploaded digital photos, etc., etc.

The globally popular social networking website Facebook, founded by Mark Zuckerberg, enabled people from around the world to upload and share personal photos. A sort of 'digital school yearbook' or 'traffic catalogue for people-viewing,' Facebook started out as a college phenomenon and then became a general populace sensation.

If we think about the general panic and unrest a devastating Internet virus (which destabilizes Facebook servers) could produce, we realize humanity's child-like dependence on machines --- and it's scary!

That's what Black Manta is all about --- a machine-obsessed 'mad scientist.'

This thread is meant to pose the question, "Are machines the opposite of water?"

So here's a quick fan-fic about Black Manta challenging Aquaman with computers, and the purpose of this short-story is to invite readers/fans to comment on how Aquaman's aquatic dominion challenges our notions about the 'pervasiveness' of machines/computers.

Since an Aquaman film is in the works, which may feature Black Manta as the villain, why not consider a machinery-approach to the characterization/storytelling? I think that's a very insightful approach to the film, which is why I'm hoping a flexible actor such as Hayden Christensen or Leo DiCaprio will portray Black Manta on the big screen.



Aquaman was at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography learning about how computers were changing the way human beings analyzed Earth's oceans. Aquaman was studying this subject, because he feared that Black Manta was already taking advantage of this new 'Computer Age' by devising deadly algorithms and viruses designed to destabilize humanity's traffic coordination and signals/communications purity. Aquaman was correct; Black Manta was designing a sophisticated computer virus which would corrode all communication signals sent through computers, so he could send his own 'pirate computer signal.'

Black Manta was in his underwater lair right under the San Andreas fault-line in California (USA). His special computer virus would disrupt communications signals sent from computers at Scripps and the Seismology Institute of California to the NSA. By corrupting computer communications with his super-virus, Black Manta could send out undetectable pirate computer signals designed to send humanity into a frenzy. People would lose their minds and jump into the water!

Aquaman discovered a special anti-virus program by the NSA designed to counter the coordinated patterns of computer viruses which could otherwise retard communications signals. Aquaman wondered if Black Manta was designing a super-virus to interfere with human communications (via computers) so the villain could send out 'pirate communications.' Aquaman decided to urge the scientists at Scripps to work with the NSA to install this special anti-virus program into all of their computers. However, Aquaman did not calculate Black Manta's intentions to release the computer virus to the Seismology Institute.

Black Manta was drinking coffee on a Saturday morning (two months later) grinning. The ghoul said to himself, "Aquaman may have discovered my intention to corrupt Scripps with my virus, but he did not deduce that my plan included a corruption of the computers at the Seismology Institute!" Black Manta figured that if he could generate enough computer frenzy, humanity would be debilitated in its abilities to coordinate all scientific and governmental communications. Seismologists and hacker-monitors would become handicapped, and humanity's dependence on machines would backfire. Then Black Manta could send out his own version of 'computer-generated commands' to generate a machine revolution.

Aquaman got news that there was something terribly wrong at the Seismology Institute of California. He realized that Black Manta was doing something to the computers there and deduced that the villain's larger plan was to disrupt all kinds of traffic efficiency on Earth to send out his own rendition of 'machine-generated control.' Aquaman made a 'presidential decision' and decided to use his powers over the waters to flood the Seismology Institute (after he successfully evacuated all the inhabitants and scientists inside) to prevent any corrupting computer virus emanating from there. His plan worked, and Black Manta retreated (fuming) to his underwater lair.




Aquaman/Manta: The Computer Film

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