lundi 26 septembre 2016


EXCLUSIVE: Allen Bain’s sci-fi label Bainframe has made its latest acquisition with Hugo Award-winning author Allen Steele’s Coyote series of books. The company will develop the fictional imagining of a journey to a near Earth-like planet as a TV series which Bain will exec produce.

Coyote is set in the not-too-distant future, in an America that has slipped steadily into fascism. The stories kick off when a group of revolutionaries hijack Earth’s first interstellar spaceship destined for the nearest habitable planet. The hostile and divided crew must unite to rebuild society on a strange new world 46 light years from Earth.
The acquisition coincides with recent news of the discovery of Proxima b, which at 4.2 light years from Earth is the closest known exoplanet to the Solar System — making it a candidate for exploration.
Originally published beginning in 2003, Coyote includes five main novels and three spin-offs. Steele is currently developing another book in the series.
Bain says Steele has “built out an entire universe, filled with incredibly rich characters and intersecting stories. You don’t have to be a sci-fi geek to love these books; the depth of the characters and their relationships grabs you right away.”
He adds, “All of the science fiction elements of Steele’s series are plausible and possible scientific concepts today. I believe that when the science fiction is grounded it can achieve the greatest effect on the imagination.”
LA-based Bainframe was formed in 2015 to develop and produce optimistic science fiction for the big and small screen. The company launched with the acquisition of Octavia Butler’s Dawn and Robert Heinlein’s The Man Who Sold The Moon. Bain’s film credits include Rachid Bouchareb’s 2014 Berlin entry Two Men In Town and 2014 action crime drama Revenge Of The Green Dragons.
He is repped by attorneys Iddo Arad and Victoria Cook of Frankfurt, Kurnit, Klein & Selz, and manager Thomas Carter of Artillery Creative. Steele is repped by Martha Millard of Sterling Lord Literistic and attorney Marty Shapiro.


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